
Data goals for 2022

January 11, 20222 min read


In the past, I used to vaguely keep a list of things in my mind that I would like to achieve for the year.

Recently, after going through a couple of chapters from Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life, I decided to pen down specific goals I would like to aim for this year.

This was the quote that got me.

"Orient yourself properly. Then–and only then–concentrate on the day. Set your sights at the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, and then focus pointedly and carefully on the concerns of each moment. Aim continually at Heaven while you work diligently on Earth. Attend fully to the future, in that manner, while attending fully to the present. Then you have the best chance of perfecting both."
-Jordan Peterson


Ever since I chanced upon the pudding, I have always tried to shape my current role in my organisation to mirror what the pudding stands for.

It is to explain ideas debated in culture with visual essays with data.

Working in TBWA, the company prides itself by understanding culture as one of its main key differentiating factor. I often thought about my role and what it meant if I were to partake in it to understand culture. What could the potential business opportunities be if we could use data to explain ideas. Hence the pudding’s direction was always where I am inspired and keen to grow towards.

Building Blocks of Data Essays

Looking at the interactiveness of how data is being used to “story tell” across pudding’s articles, I knew at some point in time, I have to dip my toes into web development.
Learning web development was a clear next step to take. Although I have tried to produce similar data project / story tell articles with Tableau, venturing into web dev and coupling that with tools like d3.js would be a set of additional skillsets that I wish to aquire.

Data Goals for 2022

Hence, the data goals for this year would be;

    • Hands on in Web Dev

    • Using D3.js

    • Apply web dev with D3.js on a Data Project

I am keeping my fingers crossed as well as keeping this intent clear in my mind as I traverse day by day.

Related Tags : [goals • 2022]